
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Emergence Book Party Day Six (Oct 24-31st)

Annnd the Emergence Winners are: 

Dena Kabbaz (E-book Winner)

Alyson LaBarge (Paperback Winner) 

And Thank You to all those who came and partied with us!! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Emergence Book Party Day Five (Oct 24-31st)

Today is the day!! The day we have all been waiting for! The day I can finally show you the cover of Emergence as well as give you a blurb and talk about the book nonstop! 


Assassin Antony Danic has never killed an innocent man. At least, the corporation he works for has never given him a reason to think otherwise--until now. Reeling from a series of demanding assignments, Antony is desperate for some downtime. As he sits on a beach in Tahiti watching his wife play in the ocean, a messenger delivers a death threat. In a matter of seconds, the hunter has become the hunted. While Antony scrambles to find a way out of his "till death do us part" contract, he's faced with the decision of a lifetime: kill another innocent man, or do what's right--even if it puts his family in jeopardy.

So. . .So. . . So. . . Are you ready to enter to win a copy NOW???? 

Fill out the form below!!  And good luck.  (Winners to be announced tomorrow).  

CLICK HERE to add Emergence to your Goodreads Shelf.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

Emergence Book Party Day Four (Oct 24-31st)

We now continue with the Emergence Party!
CLICK HERE to read find out more plus enter to win a copy of Emergence!!

Story Structure, parts of the story Part one.
by C. Michelle Jefferies
Original information by Larry Brooks

Writing a book is a lot like baking muffins. You have flour, sugar, eggs, oil,
and leavening. Leave out one of these things or put them in the wrong
amounts or at the wrong time and your muffins are ruined. If you follow
the recipe you are hopefully making some delicious muffins or stories.
So the following list is the parts of the story and where they occur. Each
part is approximately 1/4 of the book. They can be longer or shorter, but it's
generally a good guideline.

• Introduction - Beginning to Plot Point 1
Characters ordinary life, setting established
(Within the first chapters you need to give the reader a clue as to the conflict and
character arc of the rest of the story. I call this moment the introduction of theme.
Others call it the hook. If the reader doesn’t feel a connection to the story or
characters in the first pages they will most likely put the book down.)

• Reactive Stage - Plot Point 1 to Mid Point
“What the heck happened?”
(plot point one is the inciting incident, the moment that makes your character begin to
move. The reactive stage is what the MC is doing in reaction to that point of
movement. All of your scenes must reflect the reaction, and "not having a clear
plan of action yet" part of the story.)

• Active Stage - Mid Point to Plot Point 2
“Not on my watch!” (or "oh no you didn't just point that gun at me." )
(Mid point is the moment where the MC changes from being the victim of the story to
being the hero. The next stage is the active stage where the protagonist, or
antagonist is pushing the plot forward to the climax of the story. Your plotting and
scenes must reflect that ideal.)

• Resolution - Plot Point 2 to End of Book
Coming home, tie up all ends
(In a stand alone, all major character arc's, plot problems, and conflict must be
wrapped up in a manner satisfactory to the reader. A few loose ends may be left
undone to make the reader think, but they must be small and insignificant in
regards to the main plot and arc's. In a series, all of the plot, character arc's and
conflict that is pertinent to that books arc must be tied up. However, you can leave
over series plot, character arc, and conflict open. If a character is leaving the
series, their arc must be resolved. If a new character is being introduced, their arc
must be presented. If the antagonistic force in the book is unique to that book, it
must be resolved. If the antagonistic arc is series wide it can be left unfinished but
should be addressed and the stakes and risks should be increased. )

In addition to the plot parts of the story there is a notion that your MC can go through
character arc traits that describe some of the what and why of the characters
progress throughout the story. Below is a list of the character parts as they relate
to the plot parts.

This list is from the author and book: Carol S. Pearson The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By
• Orphan
Lacks direction, lives in ordinary world
• Wanderer
Reacting to PP1, moving but no plan
• Warrior
Reacting to MP, has clear plan, building to PP2
• Martyr
PP2 and beyond, willing to sacrifice, becomes hero
One thing to note, the main plot conflict should be resolved right around plot point 2 or the moment
when the MC and the plot move from reaction stage, to resolution stage. Don't put the conflict
and the character change in the middle of the resolution stage. The reader will most likely be dissatisfied with the end of the book and you don’t want that.

Plot Points in Story Structure Part 2
• by C. Michelle Jefferies
Original material by Larry Brooks

Today we're going to talk about plot points.

Plot points are the defining moments in the story.
They are supposed to happen at the quarter marks in
the story, IE PP1 at 1/4th the way into the story.

However if they don't happen at exactly the proposed time or
aren't just one scene, that's okay. I myself tend to have really
short resolution stages and long mid points.

The first point in the story is called the hook.
Happens early in the story, preferably the first few chapters.
• Gives the reader some clue as to the conflict later in the story.
• Provides some action or conflict in the introduction part of the story.

The next point is called Plot Point 1. It happens at 1/4 the way through the
story. It begins the reaction stage of the story, and the wanderer character
It is:
Most important part of your story.
• The MC’s call to action, or event that starts everything moving.
• The true introduction of the conflict.
• After this point the MC or Hero’s life can never be the same.
• Can be external or internal.
• Doesn’t have to be dark and earth shattering.
• An essential element of Structure are Pinch Points.
Are a reminder of the conflict and bad guy throughout the story.
• Should happen at least once half way between PP1 and MP and once between
MP and PP2.
• Can be sprinkled throughout the story. Deepens the conflict, and raises the stakes.

The next Point is Mid Point, it is crucial to a good story. It marks the middle of the
book and heralds in the active stage for the characters. This is where your
character goes from wanderer to warrior.
• Can be a huge unexpected twist in the story leaving the characters and reader shocked, or
something so subtle the MC doesn’t even know that things have changed. (but reader does)
• New information that changes the experience and understanding of the MC,
the reader or both.
• Changes the MC from reactive stage to active stage
• Prevents the “sagging middle”

The last plot point is Plot Point 2, it happens at about 3/4 through the book and is
where things wrap up and we move from active stage to resolution stage and
where the character goes from warrior to martyr.
It is:
• The climax of the story. “The final car chase scene.”
• New information or something happens that takes the MC toward the
conclusion of the story.
• The story shifts into resolution mode.
• No new info, or characters after this point

Which brings us to the resolution, in the Resolution we must:
• Hero must emerge and MC engages as the primary catalyst.
• Hero must conquer their inner demons and show personal growth.
• Ending of book should resonate with the readers.
• In a stand alone all major loose ends must be tied up.
• In a series only the book specific ends must be resolved, should leave some
ends unfinished leading into the next book.
I have drawn this out in a diagram. I hope this translates well.

Red, parts of story
Orange, character parts
Blue, storyline
Green, plot points.

Introduction ______Reactive _________ Active _______ Resolution
Orphan _________Wanderer_________Warrior _______ Martyr
Plot Point 1 _________Mid Point _______ Plot Point 2
(Represented by ^)
Pinch Point 1________Pinch Point 2 (represented by *)

This is the worksheet I use to establish the structure on all my stories. I hope it can work for you.

Book Title:
Part one - Introduction:
Theme introduction:
Plot Point #1:
Part two - Reactive Stage:
Pinch Point #1:
Mid Point:
Part three - Proactive Stage:
Pinch Point #2:
Plot Point #2:
Part four - Resolution:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

And Interview with the creator of "Created", Cindy Hogan!

Welcome!  We interrupt our Emergence program because today I am hosting an incredible author on my 

blog!  Meet Cindy Hogan

Konstanz:  Please tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Cindy:  I used to teach German at Olympus High School in Holladay, UT. I loved it. Now, I get my fix of teenagers when I substitute for my friends in Davis County, Utah. I have 2 fabulous teenage daughters and wish they could stay at home with me instead of going to school. My husband is fabulous and supports me like no one else could. My favorite holiday is Halloween and I love dressing up. Maybe that's why I write about a girl who changes identities all the time. I love everything about the outdoors except bugs.

Konstanz: Do you write full time or part time?

Cindy:  I write full time now.

Konstanz:  Do you outline before you write? If not, what's your initial process?

Cindy:  I'm not an outliner. I'm a pantser. I walk in the morning and brainstorm my next section of story and then go home and write it. 

Konstanz: Favorite thing to do that is not related to writing?

Cindy:  I love to watch movies. It's so fun to escape into another world.

Konstanz: Can you share about any current writing projects

Cindy: I am working on 3 books right now. I just sent the first in a new series to my agent and I'm working on book 2 and 3 in that series. I'm also working on a stand alone book with a male protagonist. I love that one.

Konstanz: What is the best advice you've ever received?

Cindy: The best advice I ever got was to go to a writers conference. It changed my life. Anyone who is writing should attend at least one, but probably many. It's kinda fun to think that I teach at them now.

I have to say, that advice is pretty awesome! If you really want to be successful at writing, go to writers conferences.  Now I'm sure you're thinking something along the lines of "Well Cindy is cool but why are we meeting her today?" and I'm gonna tell.  Because she is awesome!!!  (Okay, that is only a part of it.)  

<------  That is why you are meeting Cindy today. Because the third book in her Watched series just came out!!  And I'm pretty sure you should read it!  

Book 3 in the Watched Series

A spy school.
A choice.
A destiny discovered.

We now end this blog post so you may go to GOODREADS and add this book to your shelf. 


Friday, October 26, 2012

Emergence Book Party Day Three (Oct 24-31st)

If you're unsure about what you're looking at and why you're looking at it, no problem!  CLICK HERE

Okay, today is Day Three of the Emergence Book Party.  (Are you dying to see what Emergence looks like yet? ;)  ) 

Emergence Book party Day three: Michelle's Master Chapter Outlines: 

Master Chapter Outlines
2012 copyright C. Michelle Jefferies
What is a master chapter outline?
•It is a one to few sentence outline of every scene and or chapter in the book in chronological order.
•It helps the writer in plotting, drafting, and revising the manuscript.
It helps the writer by providing a workable synopsis at the end of the manuscript process what I do before the MCO is written.
•I create the title, concept and theme of the story.
•I create the characters and develop them.
•I hammer out the Story Structure (see Story Structure)
•I free write a few chapters at the beginning of the book to get the feel of it. Then stop.
The one rule of writing that has saved me so much time and trouble. . .
Okay, now that we've established that . . .
•Next thing I do is either start drafting the manuscript . . .
•If you choose the draft method, draft away!
•OR, start outlining the chapters to be written.
•This isn’t a detailed outline, where every move and motivation of all the characters is given this is the “This is the basic Idea of the chapter.”
For example
•Chapter ____ , Boy meets girl.
•Chapter ____ , Boy is bringing girl a shake, spills it on her.
•Chapter ____ , Boy looses girl.
A nice tip to save you time. . .
Briefly summarize the chapter or scene you just wrote as you finish it or as you end the day of writing
How do you outline chapters before it's written?
•Good question.
•I take index cards and write the pivotal scenes (plot points etc.) and place them either on a wall or a table.
•Then write the other scenes you see happening in the book.
•Note: None of this needs to be in order yet. That happens later. This is why the cards work so well right now.
•When all of the scenes are on the cards start by placing the pivotal moments in order.
•Note: You might want to highlight the Structure/pivotal scenes so they stand out.
•The alternating POV character scenes too. (pink girl, blue boy, or separate color for each character)
•Then, lay out all the other scenes in story order.
•Feel free to move them around until the story feels cohesive to you.
•DON’T pick them up yet!!! Number the scenes before you do anything with them.
Then . . .
•If you’re a chapter planner first and drafter later—draft the story. (Make sure that the MCO changes if you change the MS)
•OR, If you’re a drafter and have drafted the story, either go back and write the MCO draft or check it for accuracy.
•Note: I name my chapters. IE, the boy spilling the milkshake on the girl chapter might be called OOPS!
•Still no chapter numbers!
Adding things to the MCO
•At this point I add a few things to the MCO
•Such as:
•Both main plot points and character arc points
•Plot reasoning's, why is this chapter necessary to the story and how it moves the story forward.
•Chapter name.
•Color coded everything for easier viewing.
For example:
•OOPS! Boy makes mistake and looses girl. Mark trips and spills shake all over Jennifer’s new clothes, she leaves and he is left alone. PP1
•Blue: Character POV assignment
•Orange: Plot reasoning’s
•Green: Story Structure
Now . . .
•Put the draft and MCO away for however long you need for it to be new again.
•Note: I print mine and glue it into my series bible. I have access to it at any time I need it.
Ah revisions . . .
•Use the MCO to help in revision.
•A lot easier to use the MCO when moving chapters around and changing big things on paper first.
•It gives you an overview of everything in the book on a few pages.
•Can draw arrows, take notes, use white out, copy paste, sticky notes, etc. on the paper or document.
•Use MCO as read through guide as you revise or for taking notes.
Final revisions
•Add chapter numbers to both the MCO and the MS.
•Update the MCO, make it completely correct.
•Save it for crit groups and publishers editing.
I promised you a synopsis . . .
•Copy paste the MCO into a separate document.
•Take out all chapter titles, plot points, plot reasoning’s character arc notes etc. Just leave the short chapter summaries.
•Now you have your synopsis. Short one to three sentence descriptions of every scene/chapter in the book.
•Go over the synopsis carefully, add any details you need, delete the ones you don’t, and fine tune it till it sounds good.

And don't forget to enter to win a copy of Emergence!! CLICK HERE
(Paperback: US Only ~ E-book: International) 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Emergence Book Party Day Two (Oct 24-31st)

So if you missed it yesterday, CLICK HERE.  OR CLICK HERE!  There is a party going on and you shouldn't miss out.  Yesterday I got to interview Michelle.  And today, we get to learn her favorites!

Emergence Book Party Day Two: Michelle's Favorites: 

Book: Dune by Frank Herbert, The Prommise by Donna Boyd,
 Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr
Music: Onerepublic. 
Pens: Pentel RSVP
Computer: My Dell Laptop
Movie: Master and Comander,
Actor: Russel Crowe, Nicolas Cage 
TV show: Burn Notice
Writing tool: My Series Bible
Counrty: Australia
Ethnicity: Asian
Sport: Martial Arts
Food: Chinese
Holiday: Halloween
Collection: Tea Pots
Season: Autumn
Weather: Rain
Color: Chocolate brown
Dessert: Cheesecake
Symbol: Butterfly

So not only is Michelle incredible and awesome, we're a lot alike too! 

And don't forget to CLICK HERE to enter to win a copy of Michelle's debut novel, Emergence! 
(Paperback: US only.  E-book: International) 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Emergence Book Party Day One (Oct 24-31st)***

Before we get started with this party, let me tell you about one of the coolest people I know. Michelle got me started in writing.  Without her, this blog wouldn't exist, I wouldn't be a writer and I wouldn't be living the life I am now.  Michelle is one of my heroes and I love her to death!  And guess what? She is getting published. . .oh wait, she is published as of today!  So guess what?  We are getting a party started!  Who likes parties?  I like parties.  Especially book blog parties.

So what are we going to do at this party? 
Well to kick things off, we're going to get to know Michelle.  

Emergence book party day one: Getting to know Michelle pt 1, The interview: 

Before we get into the interview, I have to tell you all, Michelle is one of my heroes! Without her, I wouldn't be a writer today! 

Konstanz: Please tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Michelle: I'm a 40 something mom of seven who never imagined that she'd be writing about assassins in her later years. I also love to craft and bake. When I'm not writing I am usually taking care of the house or kids or baking something yummy. I love all things Asian and am a red belt in Tang Soo Do which is halfway to black belt. I also love old fashioned things like writing letters and enjoying a traditional English tea, and collecting teapots.

Konstanz: How long have you waited for the day to come when you could tell people you're a published author? 

Michelle: I started writing in high school but I became distracted by college, getting married and having children and didnt pick up any serious writing again until about eight years ago. So the real answer would probably be about 8 years.

Konstanz: What did it take to get where you are today?

Michelle:  Thay say it takes a million things (hours, free throws etc.) to become a professional. I believe it. It wrote at least a million words before anything I wrote was readable by others. It also took a lot of re-learning things like English and learning to type. I took a 400 page manuscript and re wrote every passive voice sentence into the active voice. Lost of practice, repetitive things, and learning new information.

Konstanz: If you had to start over, what would you do differently?

Michelle: I'd go to school and learn and practice correct grammar before pounding into my head what I thought was right. I would practice my typing skills and I'd not allow myself to get distracted.

Konstanz: So, I have mentioned the writing group that got me started in writing a few times on the blog.  Would you tell us a little bit about Scrawl and what inspired you (as well as the other women) to start such a group? 

Michelle:  Scrawl is a group of writers founded in Tooele. They were allready meeting when my friend and I found them. They were awesome and welcomed us in as if we'd been friends for years. I learned so much from them. Writing can often be a solitary endeavor and we get lonely and need some support. Scrawl and other writing groups do that, provide a place to ask questions, get advice and critiques as well as just being friends

Konstanz: Who is your Hero?  

Michelle:  Hard question. I have alot of hero's. More improtatly I have friends who helped me get where I am now and to be honest while I don't worship them, I do consider them life changing friends. Karen Hoover, Paluette Inman, Wendy Elliot, Tristi Pinkston, The members of Scrawl and all of the published authors/mentors of LDStorymakers are those people who made this all possible for me. Those people are the ones I would consider my sort-of-hero's.

I just LOVE Michelle! And I just have to say, I wanted to cry with joy getting to send her these interview questions.  

So of course I am giving away a couple copies of Emergence, Michelle's book.  (Which we will talk about later in the week.)  

1 paperback copy (US only)
1 e-book copy (Int)

Simply fill out the form below to enter! 

Plus, share this post and get bonus points! 

Leave a comment on this post. 
Tweet (Tag me @KonstanzS)
Share on Facebook 
Add Emergence to your shelf on Goodreads. 
Share on Google+
Blog about it! 

Giveaway ends on October 31st at midnight.  Winners will be chosen at random and announced soon after.  

Don't forget to check back tomorrow to learn more about Michelle and her debut, Emergence!

(You only need to fill out the form once.  The form will be included in each blog post during the Emergence Blog Party.  You only need to fill it out once.)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spooktacular Giveaway Hop! (Oct. (23) 24th-31st)

As always, a HUGE thank you to Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer as well as her wonderful Co-host

So for this Spooktacular Blog Hop I decided to make it a little more fun. 

The Prize:

Open to the US only.   If winner is not heard from within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen.
Thank you!
Alright, how is this book related?  
Well you're gonna tell me! 
In the form below, you will be asked for the title of a book
that has trees like the one in the picture! 
 (No, not in jewelry. I mean spooky, dark, copper colored, or actually, yes in jewelry works too. Alright so pretty much, if the cover has a tree on it,  that book counts!)
**Trees must be on the cover of the book! 

So recommend a book with trees on the cover,  and you're entered!  (Must fill out the form below). 

Bonus entries: 

*Follow me on Twitter:  @KonstanzS

*Tweet this Giveaway!  (Tag me in your tweet)

*Check out THIS PAGE 

*Share mentioned blog page

*Leave a comment on this blog post.  (Yep, I pretty much LOVE comments!) 

** Here are a few examples of books that count**
If there are trees on the cover, it counts! 

Now HOP along to the next blog!