
Monday, October 31, 2011

If I had all the magic in the world. . . I would

Give everyone a copy of Darkspell and a day off of work to read it!

But sadly I can't do that!  However I can giveaway a copy of Darkspell!  I have already given one copy away to Em-Musing!  And today I get to pick another winner!  But before I do,  check out how to get your  copy(just in case you don't win). 

Click Here to check out Elizabeth Mueller's wonderful blog!

Click Here to check out her wonderful web-site with Illustrations, sneak peaks,  character interviews and all the info about her awesome book and the wonderful author herself! 

And to purchase a copy of Darkspell Click Here!  

Winter Sky believes she is everything ordinary . . .until she is kissed by Alex Stormhold.
As seer of Stormhold Coven, Alex is sworn to be Winter’s protector against the darkness that hunts her. Violently thrust into a magical realm she always thought impossible, she stumbles upon a disturbing secret of her own.
Will love prove thicker than magic?

And now. . . the moment you have all been waiting for. . . Thank you to I have a winner.  . . 

Congratualtions Nina!!  You are the winner!!!  You have won a copy of Darkspell and a package of Darkspell M&M's specially made for you!  Please e-mail me to claim your prize!

And even though I did not get 25 comments on that post,  I am still giving away a second set of prizes!  To Elizabeth Hughes,  our runner up winner!  You have also won a copy of Darkspell and a specially made package of M&M's!!!    (Also, please e-mail me to claim your prize!)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Prizes!

You have been entering contests all week and you didn't even know what you could get out of it!  Thanks for believeing in me!  And now your hard work is paying off!  Because below are all the prizes you have entered to win!  Interested?  

Sterling Silver Lotus Flower pendant

1.Bridesmaid Jewelry Sterling Silver Lotus Flower Bridesmaid Necklace

8x10 Framed Artwork
2.From my Original Painting "NIGHT TIGER" comes this signed Fine Art, collectable open edition
 (water mark not included) 

8x10 Framed Artwork 
3.TIGER EYES  8x10 Artist Signed Fine Art open edition collectable
(watermark not included)

4. Golden Tigers Eye and black onyx beaded necklace

(Picture coming Soon)

5.Blue Tigers Eye and white quartz beaded necklace

(Picture coming soon)

Grand Prize:

Tigers Curse
Tigers Quest
Tigers Voyage

Bonus Prize if I get to 100 followers by November first:

30x10x10 (inch)  Stuffed White Tiger!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tiger Giveaway 5: Paying it Forward

Today's contest is the easiest by far.  I have given everyone a fair chance at winning a prize and today's contest is the simplest of all.

Enter to win This contest by commenting on it and then come back to this post and let me know that you entered so that I can enter you for both giveaways!  Sounds easy right?  It is! :D

I wish everyone luck and even though today is the last day I am posting a new contest,  don't forget to check back tomorrow to see what you might just win!

And for your points?

2+ points for commenting on Both posts!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tiger Giveaway 4: Written Love

Before I give you Contest info,  I have a special announcement! I have been told by a few people that they can't comment on any of my posts and no one knows why.  So if you are having troubling with commenting,  E-mail me all the times you have shared and your entries into whatever contest you are entering and I will count everything as if you commented.  Sound good?  Any questions?  Email me.

 And now for today's contest!

Write a love poem.  Simple as that (ok I don't think that is really simple).   And then I want you to e-mail it to me.  (Same e-mail as above)  Comment and let me know that you e-mailed me.  (Unless blogger won't let you comment.  Then I need you to e-mail me about it! :D  But you can put everything in one e-mail)

And how do you get points for this contest?  Read on. . .

1+ For a love poem
2+For a love poem about Ren and Kelsey
3+ For winning the poem Contest!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tiger Giveaway 3: The Perfect Date

Today's mini contest is going to be the most hilarious!

Take your favorite Tiger Brother (Ren or Kishan) and write the perfect date between you and whichever brother you choose.  Comment on this post with your ideal tiger prince date.  Funniest date wins!

And for points:

1+ For commenting
2+ For commenting and following my blog
3+ If you comment,  follow and win this mini contest!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Want a White Tiger? (sorry, only the stuffed kind)

 If I get 100 Followers by November First,  I will give away this 30x10x10 (inch)  Stuffed White Tiger!  (Once you are following my blog, comment on this post so I know to enter you into the drawing)

And don't forget to check out the wonderful Interview with Colleen Houck and giveaways going on this entire week!

Tiger Giveaway 2: Cookies for the Win!

This contest is very unusual compared to what you typically see for a blog contest giveaway.  But  for all of those who have read Tigers Quest,  I hope you understand.  (Those who haven't,  You are missing out!)

I want you to e-mail me your favorite Cookie recipe.  

1+ for a  Peanut Butter cookie recipe
2+ for a Double Chocolate chip cookie recipe
3+ for a Double chocolate chip with peanut butter filling cookie recipe
4+ for the Double Chocolate chip with peanut butter filling cookie recipe from Colleen Houck! 

Comment on this post once you have e-mailed me.  I will be making these cookies so Best Flavor wins!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tiger Giveaway 1: Cast that Character!

Want to win some really cool prizes??  Well then enter this contest!  Here is how to play!

Cast that Character!

Make a cast of your ideal actors for the main characters in the Tigers Curse saga.  Tell me who the cast should be for Tigers Curse in the comments and then share this post everywhere you can.


Anik Kadam,

Now you don't have to cast all of them but you get an extra point for each one that you cast.   (Not sure what the point system is for?  Check the link at the bottom of this post)

When you are done casting,  share my post everywhere you can.  The more shares the more points.  Comment with your cast and where you shared.

(Want to see a sneak peak of the prizes?  Click on the link below. . .but shhhh it's a secret!)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcoming Colleen Houck!

Please welcome Colleen Houck!  

Colleen and Ziyka

Konstanz: Please tell us a little bit about yourself

Colleen: I just turned 42. I'm married and we just celebrated our 17th anniversary. I love fancy restaurants. I don't count a food as dessert unless it has some chocolate. I have a lot of brothers and sisters and I spent most of my childhood babysitting and bossing them around. =)

K: How do you handle Writer's block?

C: I don't usually get writers block I get I'm-too-lazy-to-write-today block. Usually that can be fixed by forcing myself to open the document.

K: If you had to date one of the tiger brothers, who would it be, Ren or Kishan?  Why?

C: I would totally date either one. I think Ren and I would get along the best but a date with Kishan would be exciting.

K: Why Tigers?  Why did you have the brothers turn into Tigers over any other creature? 

C: I just like tigers.  They are magical, mysterious, and beautiful which is perfect for my Indian princes.

K: After the final book in the Tiger's Curse Saga is released, what will you work on next?

C: Probably a book for a secondary character that I introduce in Tiger's Voyage. His name is Wes.  He's a Texas cowboy and I think he needs to find the right girl.

K: What is your ideal career if you couldn't be a writer?

C: I'd love to teach Deaf kids. I've been an interpreter for most of my working life and that will always be a part of my life since my husband is Deaf too.

K:  Is there a message in your novel(s) that you want readers to grasp?

C:  Well the theme running through this series is sacrifice. My characters have to learn to look outside themselves and find their place in the world. I think that everyone can be a hero and every character in my book is a hero in some way.

K: If you had to put a banana in each book you've written, could you show an example of how you would sneak it into Tiger's Curse?

C: Easy since I have a banana in Tiger's Curse. Kelsey eats a banana and wants to tease Ren about getting attacked by monkeys.

K: What is the worst writing advice you've ever received? What's the best?

C: You'll never make it if you self-publish. I don't believe that is true. It might have been once but there is plenty of evidence to the contrary now.  The best advice is to develop a thick skin. Writing books and sharing them with the world means you open yourself to harsh criticism. It's hard to process that at first. Eventually you have to get over it because if you didn't you couldn't work.

Well thank you very much for stopping by!  It was great getting to know more about you and I think I speak for all Tigers Curse fans out there when I say we cannot wait to read more! 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's a Tiger Part-ay!

You have heard me talk about it. . . . You have seen the posts about it. . . . You all know you want to get in on this party so keep on reading!  Tomorrow I am posting my interview with Colleen Houck (author of the Tiger's curse saga)  And every day this week I am having contests so that you can win great prizes!

Tomorrow I am posting the interview with Colleen.  Share the interview and comment on it letting me know where you shared it.  You will earn 2 points for each place you shared the post (Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, E-mail. . . etc) 

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday I will post mini contests.  For each contest you enter (and share) You will earn another two+ points.  (1 for commenting and 1 for each place you share)

If you win one of the mini contests, you will get an extra 5 points.  

On November 1st, (Tiger's Voyage release date!)  I will announce each mini contest winner!  And each winner will get a prize!  

Whoever has the most points on November first will win the GRAND PRIZE! Curious as to know what the grand prize is?  Well I will tell you, it is something you do not want to miss out on.  I will post what each prize is (including the grand prize) on Sunday.  Until then, I suggest you rack up as many points as possible and enter as many contest's as possible because these prizes are not something you want to miss out on! 

(Hint, hint each prize is Tiger related.  Everything from Jewelry to art to stuffed tigers to Tiger related books.)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reading is my Escape

I am feeling very excited about my book right now!

When I finished my book last year,  I was so disappointed with my writing just within the first couple of pages that I didn't even realize how much good stuff was hidden deeper in.  Now I am glad that I kept all the original drafts for this book!

This morning I edited the entire prologue of my book and now I am super excited because things are falling into place beautifully like there was a missing puzzle piece that has been found! (Mostly from the original drafts!)

And because I am very happy with my work and how far I have come,  I am going to share one of my FAVORITE paragraphs from the entire book! This part is in the beginning of the book,  from one of my favorite Characters POV.  But while this is from a character in the book, it is the truth and exactly how I feel about reading!

Written words filling the pages of a book are like steps in the roads we take in life.  Each one 

daunting as you turn the crisp paper to a new set of words, to a new set of obstacles daring you to 

jump through them.  Waiting to crush you and all remaining hope.  Each page, each step is a new 

adventure that can lead anywhere. Its all of these reasons that I read. I read myself away from 

the real world. Because when I read, I know that when I look away from that daunting new page, 

reality surrounds me. I can always escape a book and come back to the real world. And when the 

real world becomes too much, the books become my escape.

So what do you think?  How do you feel about reading?  Why do you like to read?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who needs NanoWrimo?

Three weeks ago my friend Lizzy and I decided to race to page 100 on our books as a motivation to write and reach our goals of finishing out books! I updated about it and gave ending numbers!

Two weeks ago we began another race (trying to reach page 200) But we were both so worn out that we decided to give it a break.  Now we are both up and at it again and we just started a race today!

We are racing to page 175!  And starting yesterday (Saturday the 15th),  we only have until next Saturday evening at midnight to get there!  Now, we are racing to page 175 but I personally set a goal to hit page 200 on Saturday. (Don't tell Lizzy cause really I just want to get ahead of her again! mayahahahahah)

I am very far away and right now I am having a problem with Character block.  I need to start up another interesting part of the story so that I do not bore my readers.  Wish me luck!

And my over all goal is to be finished with book one by November 1st so that I can write book two for Nanowrimo  (but like it says above,  who needs Nanowrimo when I can just race Lizzy?)

And to Lizzy (just in case she reads this post :D )  May the fastest writer win! :D

p.s  Lizzy is the one who originally said "who needs nanowrimo when  I have your challenges?" in reference to these races that we are doing.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Love awesome Giveaways?

Then check out this one! Go to the link below and check it out!  Awesome giveaway on an awesome blog!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's a book party!!!!

Elizabeth Mueller is published!!! And her book is releasing on Halloween this year!  Wanna get in on all the fun?  Want updates?  Want to know where to find all the great deals?  Check out all the links below to get all the information you need!  Join in the party,  get great deals, and get a sneak peak at her book!  And don't forget to countdown to the release party!!  Elizabeth has an illustration countdown to help make the wait a little less painful! (Elizabeth's official author website) ( the countdown event on facebook)

Find the deals!

Free shipping and handling if you pre-order Darkspell by the 19th! (if on facebook, you can tag Elizabeth's name and to send her private message, if on twitter, then email her at

The illustration countdown! One for everyday until Darkspell's release October 31st. You can keep track here.

Also,  a personal deal from me!  A couple months ago I held a contest with the chance to win a copy of Darkspell! Well Em-Musing won that copy, but in celebration I am giving away another copy!  Comment on this post,  share this post,  and *get five (or more) friends to comment on this post in your name (just have them mention you in the comment)!  You will be entered to win a SIGNED copy of Darkspell!! How cool is that???  And because it is releasing on Halloween,  I will throw in a bag of 'Darkspell'  M&M's!!!  Custom made just for the event!!  

You have until October 30th at midnight to share this post as many times as possible.  Every time you share,  leave a comment and that will be one more entry for you to win!

p.s.  If this post get's 25 comments or more,  I will giveaway a second set of prizes!

*To be entered to win, you do NOT HAVE to get five friends to comment but your chances of winning are more likely to happen if you do! :D

Saturday, October 8, 2011

100 Essential items for Authors

1.  The Chair pan:  Have you ever sat down to write,  got on a really good kick and just can't stop but then. .. you have to pee?  Yes that is why we need chair pans.  We can sit, write and pee to our hearts (and stomachs) content non stop!

2. The Finger Massager:  Do you fingers hurt after writing non stop for hours?  I know mine do!! So the right thing to do would be to get a finger massager! 

3." Instant Sleep" Pills:  Staying up late writing can be very tiring.  It is exhausting and with your fingers in pain, you just want to fall asleep by the time you are finished.  And of course for those of us who stay up ALL night writing, we need the next item.

4. "Instant eight hour sleep" Pills: Take one pill with a glass of water.  Sleep for five minutes and it will feel as if you have slept for eight straight hours!

5. Zip Line snack transportation system:  If you have seen Psych (episode 8 of season 3) then you know exactly what I am talking about! (if not,  I highly recommend that you watch it!) This zip line can transport the snacks from the kitchen,  directly to wherever you are sitting while writing.  This way you do not have to leave your seat when you get hungry! 

6. The never ending ink pen:  I love to write out my stories before I type them.  I love having a notebook full of idea's,  details and little tid bits about the book I am working on so that I don't have to go back again and again to make sure that my details are kept straight.  So a pen that has never ending ink,  would be amazing!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's time!

It is time, once more for another list!  I am creating a series of lists to help authors with different things

My first list was '100 ways to get rid of writers block'.  I have another list '100 things that are over used in books'  and many more to come!

Now none of my lists are actually to 100 but I slowly add ideas as I think of them.  My newest list if more for fun and laughs than anything but it will be called '100 essential items for Authors' and this list is going to include things such as "Chair pans"  so that we can continually sit and write and never have to worry about getting up to use the bathroom.  I am working on writing up the list right now and it will be published tomorrow morning!

If you are interested in the lists mentioned above,  here are the links. (And they are about to get their own page so that you can always find them!)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Who is Nothought2small's next book star??

McElwain Family! 

Congratulations to McElwain Family!  You will receive an e-mail with all the details but you are our book star!  You get to be a character in Karen Hoover's next book!!

You are the winner of my last giveaway!  (If you need a reminder of what the contest was or for those of you who missed it, check out the link below!)