Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Secret Empire ~ A Book Review

 I just finished the third book (literally, last night) in the saga and all I can say at this point is Oh. My. Holy. Wow.  *Breathless*.

I cried, I laughed, I cried some more.  I sat on the edge of my seat, tense and waiting to find out what comes next. Over all, when I can play background music in my head while reading, I know that I am reading a good book.   This (The Secret Empire) is a good book.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

More Dragons

It's been a while since I posted more dragon pics.  Here are some more! :)

The base lights up.

The base is a light. 

The Handle of my Dragon Mug

Side view of my dragon mug

Dragon Bobble Head

Second Dragon bobble head.

My beautiful dragon jewelry box

Dragon dagger

The blade of my dragon dagger

Dragon, sword wall hanging

Dragon wall hanging holding the sword
Dragon Candle Holders!

That's all for today!  Don't forget to check out my awesome The Golden Cord review and Giveaway! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Golden Cord: A Book review

The Golden Cord

Book Blurb:

Some bonds can never be broken.
A hunter must leave behind his true love, give up all hope of survival, as he is forced to guide his most hated enemies on a suicidal journey to the lair of the dragon king.

Front cover flap synopsis:

Death comes from above in the plateau world of Ae’leron, where griffins and dragons prowl the sky. Those who escape becoming prey—or enslavement in the Drobin Empire—hide in secret villages. Surviving in the depths of the Thornclaw Forest, the people of Cliffton live on the edge of the Void—an abyss of clouds that surrounds the plateaus and blocks the view into the Underworld.

Guardians work tirelessly to protect each village, and Drake, along with his pair of guard dogs, is Cliffton’s most dedicated and vigilant. When two Drobin warriors appear outside the gates, he is forced to confront his most hated enemies. But the secretive Drobin hide the true nature of their journey and why wyverns hunt them. 

Drake’s world becomes a whirlwind of change as he leaves his true love and guides the Drobin on a suicidal journey to the lair of the dragon king. He must do this, for if he doesn’t, war will consume the world and destroy everything he loves.

My thoughts:

Everyone knows how much I LOVE dragons! 
So when I heard about this book my first thought was 'ooooh Dragons!'
Then I got lots of other books and put off buying this book forever.  
Last year at LTUE I met the wonderful author and he gave me a great deal on book one and two.

Now, the first thing you need to know about this series is that
the whole thing is the dragon is the villain of the story. . . but, but, but I love dragons.
Why would I want to read a book about dragons being the villain?
Well there is nothing to worry about!  I love people too but that doesn't mean all people are good right? 
And I always love a good villain!

This books is AMAZING! Well written, beautiful detail, dialogue and description.  My ONLY complaint revolves around one seen with mention of possible adult content.  Nothing actually happens.

Do I recommend this book?  YES!
For what age? 13-18+
Overall rating:

To read more and learn  more about the wonderful author, you can visit his website HERE!

And now. . . the surprise that you didn't know about because I didn't mention it in this post up until now; The

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fairy Tale Party! Once upon a time there was a winner, and after getting their prize, they lived Happily Ever After!

Today is the my Birthday and I am celebrating by announcing the winners of the Fairy Tale Party! 

If you don't know what I am talking about (you missed out) and go CLICK HERE to read the original post.
If you missed out, don't worry! This Fairy Tale is an annual, every year party that I do right around my Birthday.  :) 

Okay so, I got recommendations of Snow White Re-tellings and here are what they all were (Click on them to read my reviews):  


Snow White and Rose Red by Patricia Wrede (Read further for review)

So, these were all wonderful suggestions but only one book can win as my favorite re-telling of Snow White.  The funny thing? The one I love the most isn't really about Snow White at all.  So which one of them won? 

Snow White and Rose Red!  Who suggested this wonderful story? 

Kayla Beck!!!!!!!!

Thank you, Kayla for the suggestion! 

Now, what did Kayla win?  I shall show you!

My Fair Godmother
My favorite book involved fractured versions of Cinderella and Snow White! 

Reserved for SilverbowBeauties Happily Ever After Keepsake Box
This Beautiful Happily Ever After keepsake box!

And what did the second and third place winners win?  (Yes, I promised three winners!) Well let me tell you who won first! :)

 LadyVampire2u  who suggested Snow


Erin Hartshorn who suggested her wonderful short story, Winter White

And they each won a copy of My Fair Godmother!

Thank you to all who participated and suggested wonderful stories for me to read!

And because I didn't have enough days to review Snow White and Rose Red, here is my review as well as the back cover blurb.
Snow White and Rose Red

Snow White and Rose Red live on the edge of the forest that conceals the elusive border of Faerie. They know enough about Faerie lands and mortal magic to be concerned when they find two human sorcerers setting spells near the border. And when the kindly, intelligent black bear wanders into their cottage some months later, they realize the connection between his plight and the sorcery they saw in the forest. This romantic version of the classic fairy tale features an updated introduction by its editor, Terri Windling.

My Review:

First off, I LOVE PATRICIA WREDE! If you haven't read any of her books, you're missing out.  She wrote the wonderful The Enchanted Forest Chronicles.  When I was told she wrote this lovely book, it was the first in the shopping cart!

As always, I was not disappointed.  Beautiful writing, and an even more beautiful story!  Patricia Wrede is a master of words.   And for this lovely book, I give it Five Music notes!
(And if you are unclear as to what that means, it means five stars!)

Thank you Kayla Beck for suggesting  this beautiful story! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mirror, Mirror~ A Review~ Book 5 in the Fairy Tale Party

Book review 5 for the Fairy Tale Party.

Suggested by Kayla Beck

Mirror Mirror

"The world was called Montefiore, as far as she knew, and from her aerie on every side all the world descended." The year is 1502, and seven-year-old Bianca de Nevada lives perched high above the rolling hills and valleys of Tuscany and Umbria at Montefiore, the farm of her beloved father, Don Vicente. There she spends her days cosseted by Primavera Vecchia, the earthy cook, and Fra Ludovico, a priest who tends to their souls between bites of ham and sips of wine. But one day a noble entourage makes its way up the winding slopes to the farm -- and the world comes to Montefiore. In the presence of Cesare Borgia and his sisters, the lovely and vain Lucrezia -- decadent children of a wicked pope -- no one can claim innocence for very long. When Borgia sends Don Vicente on a years-long quest to reclaim a relic of the original Tree of Knowledge, he leaves Bianca under the care -- so to speak -- of Lucrezia. She plots a dire fate for the young girl in the woods below the farm, but in the dark forest there can be found salvation as well... "The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say." A lyrical work of stunning creative vision, Mirror Mirror gives fresh life to the classic story of Snow White -- and has a truth and beauty all its own.

My Review~

This particular version isn't really at my pace. While I didn't enjoy it all that much, I am sure for the right reader, it is an amazing story!  As well as the last one, (Snow), this version is for readers between 13 and 18. (Or older).  For writing, and story, I give this book 3 music notes.  (It may not be the book for me but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good book.) 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Snow~ A Review~ Book one in the Fairy Tale Party

Book Review One for the Fairy Tale Party 2012- Snow White (This is number one where as yesterdays was number two because I am reviewing in the order I am reading them).

Suggested version of Snow White from LadyVampire2u

Product Details

The Duchess Jessica's childhood began with a tragedy: her mother's death. Her father, heartbroken at the loss of his beloved wife, could not bear to raise the child. Largely ignored, Jessica spent the first eleven years of her life running free on the family estate, cared for only by the servants.
Then her father decides to remarry, bringing an end to Jessica's independence. At first her new stepmother just seems overly strict. But as Jessica grows into a beautiful young woman, it becomes clear that her stepmother is also wildly -- and murderously -- jealous of her.
Jessica escapes to London. Going by the name Snow to hide from her family, she falls in love with an odd band of outcasts who accept her into their makeshift family. But when her stepmother appears in the city, repentant and seeking her forgiveness, Jessica will have to decide whom to trust...with her life.

My Review~

Snow had me captured from the beginning.  I loved the way the story was going until I reached the middle of the story.  At this point I was confused and beginning to really hate the direction it as headed.  But, unable to hate any book I continued reading and was completely swept off my feet with the ending.   Beautiful writing, an enchanting tale, over all I give it 3.5 music notes.  On that note (no pun intended), I would say this book is for 13 to 18 year olds.  There are some scenes questionable for younger readers. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fairest~ A review~ Book two in the Fair Tale Party

Book Review two for the Fairy Tale Party 2012- Snow White

Suggested version of Snow White from Lauren


Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted to be pretty . . .
Aza's singing is the fairest in all the land, and the most unusual. She can "throw"t her voice so it seems to come from anywhere. But singing is only one of the two qualities prized in the Kingdom of Ayortha. Aza doesn't possess the other: beauty. Not even close. She's hidden in the shadows in her parents' inn, but when she becomes lady-in-waiting to the new queen, she has to step into the light—especially when the queen demands a dangerous favor. A magic mirror, a charming prince, a jealous queen, palace intrigue, and an injured king twine into a maze that Aza must penetrate to save herself and her beloved kingdom.

My Review~

I love Gail Carson Levine.  I've read most of her work and so when I started my Fairy Tale Party which involves people referring me to versions of Snow White and Fairest was said, I was shocked.  I've already read Fairest and yet, never before had I realized that it was a re-telling of Snow White. 

Fairest is a fun, lovely, song filled story of a girl who is considered ugly.  She longs for her outward appearance to be as beautiful as her voice.   This is a beautiful re-telling (or Fractured Fairy tale, depending on how you look at it.) of Snow White and one that I definitely recommend. 
Over all, I give Fairest 3.5 music notes.  (Which really works for this book because it is all about singing). 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


It is PARTY TIME! Do you know what this means?  

This means it is time for the 2nd annual Fairy Tale Party! Don't know what I'm talking about?  Allow me to explain. 

Last year, in celebration of Tangled (One of my favorite movies!) I held a HUGE Fairy tale Party on my blog.  This involved book reviews and giveaways.  I decided to make this a tradition every year and place the blog party around my birthday.  

So how does this work?  
Well I am going to talk about some of my favorite Fairy Tales, what I like about them and some favorite Fractured versions and Re-tells.  And then. . . (what you're all really looking forward to) I will do a huge giveaway! 

This actually works out because Snow White and the Huntsman comes out soon and Mirror Mirror is already in theaters.  And seems how 2012 seems to be the year of Snow White,  we'll talk about Snow White. (Every year will be a new fairy tale.   Last year I talked about a ton of different ones but I'm gonna change it up.) 

Snow White:
This story is the story of a Princess who is thrown out of her kingdom by her evil step-mother.  Her Step-Mother, wanting to be the most fair lady in the kingdom comes to realize she must kill Snow White for this to be.  She then attempts to kill Snow White.  She feeds her a poisoned apple which puts Snow White under a spell until the daring Prince kisses her red lips and awakes her from the poison.  

This tale is not to be confused with Snow White and Rose Red. 

A story of two sisters who befriend a bear looking for warmth on cold winter nights.  They didn't realize that the Bear was a cursed Prince.  Not until the Bear kills the dwarf, transforms back into a prince and marries Snow White.  Rose Red then marries the Princes's brother. 

My favorite version? 
 I don't have one.  Snow White was never been  my favorite Fairy tale. (Although I am looking forward to seeing both versions mentioned above). 


Okay, so we've talked about Snow White and I don't have a favorite version. . . So. . here is how the Giveaway is gonna work.  I want you to recommend different versions of Snow White that I can read.   I'm gonna go get all suggested versions and read them.  Whoever suggests the version I like best, get's a couple of my favorite Fairy tales!  Starting today, I will take suggestions until May 14th.  After May 14th I will begin posting reviews for all the versions of Snow White that I read.  (Due to finances, I cannot take more than 20 suggestions.  First come, first serve.) Starting May 15th I will begin posting reviews of all the different versions I have read.  On May 18th I will announce the winner(s)!  (That's right, there will be three winners!) 

Begin leaving your suggestions and don't forget to leave your e-mail in the comments so I can contact you if you win.  :) 

And spread the word!  The more people involved, the more fun it will be! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

A to Z challenge, A reflection.

Last year around November, Elizabeth Mueller asked me a question that changed my blogging forever.  She asked if I would be interested in Co-hosting the A to Z April Blogging Challenge.  .  . I said yes.  412 followers later, the challenge is over for this year and I cannot believe it!  The months leading up to the challenge, the entire team e-mailed back and forth constantly.  Working on setting things up, making sure our posts were ready and getting the word out.

I was so nervous at first.  I had no idea what I was doing.  It was terrifying.  But there was no way I was backing down.  (Although, I did think about it a couple of times).  Now that this years challenge is over, I am terribly sad.  This has been the most amazing experience I have had in the blogging world and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything!

I made tons of new friends! Found some amazing blogs, learned about better blogging and being a better blogger and I learned tons of fun facts during the challenge.  Was it easy?  NO! Was it worth it?  Every minute.  Will I participate in the challenge next year?  YES! I won't miss another A to Z challenge as long as  I am blogging.  Would I join as a Co-host again for next year if asked?  Definitely!

And I want to Thank a handful of awesome people.  Starting with Elizabeth for asking me to Co-host.  Arlee, Alex, Tina, Damyanti, Jeremy, DL, Jenny, Shannon, Matthew,  Karen & Stephen for welcoming me into the group of Co-hosts and allowing me to have this amazing experience!  Please give these wonderful people a round of applause!

I would also like to thank All of you!  Thank you for supporting my blog, taking the time to read what I post and comment and for participating in the challenge!  Without all of you, the challenge wouldn't work!

And now, it is your turn!  Tell us what you thought of the challenge, what you would change, what you liked most and your thoughts on the whole experience!  Post your Reflection post and link that post directly on the linky list!


This linky list is now closed.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


For the next two days, (Friday& Saturday; May 4th-5th)

I will be at LDStorymakers 2012 in Provo, Utah.   There will be no blog posts these two days.  

On Monday (May 7th) I will be blogging about the A to Z challenge and then will talk about the conference on Tuesday (and possibly Wednesday).  

Thanks for stopping by!  Cya Monday! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Lucky 7 MEME

This is being posted LATE because I didn't get to it before the A to Z challenge.  Here it is!  :) 

Gossip_Girl from Whatever tagged me in the Lucky 7 meme.  I've never done this before but I am willing to give it a shot!  :)

 1. Go to page 77 of your current MS
2. Go to line 7
3. Copy down the next 7 lines - sentences or paragraphs - and post them as they're written. No cheating
4. Tag 7 authors

5. Let them know
If you don't have a Manuscript, follow the instructions using your favorite book or write a little something from a book you would like to write. 

It was hard to choose which Manuscript to use but here it is:

Missing Royal:  (Page 77- Line 7-14)

....but I do not push because Anastasio still needs to finish his own food. The entire time I wait for 

him, Valentino laughs and makes faces at me. Only making the waiting harder. 

Once he is finished he sets his dishes aside and pulls up a bag of herbs. I am soon captivated my the 

sound of his melodic voice. He explains each herb, what they are, what they do and are best for. 

How much to use and how to use them. He explains which herbs can be used as poison if enough 

is given to one person all at once and which ones you could live off of.  I find it interesting. 

Intriguing and am beyond ecstatic that this is what my quest is all about.  I long to begin using 


Please note, this manuscript is currently in the editing process.  Sadly, these scene will most likely be cut from the manuscript when I get to that point.  

Ten Lucky Questions:

1.What is your dream vacation? 

A: Visiting every 'Phantom of the Opera' house around the world. 

2.Are you spontaneous or do you like to plan? 

A: A little of both actually.  

3. Tell us one thing you would like to do, but don't dare do?

A: Sorry, I can't tell you.  I don't dare do that.  :) 
Just kidding.  Hmmmm. . .  There are so many things.   I think something I would like to do but can't bring myself to do it would be telling people how I really feel about things.  I tend to shy away from speaking my mind when it counts.  (I know that is kind of a general answer.) 

4. What's your biggest phobia?

A: Listening to people chew. . . (if that really is a phobia). 

5. If you were stranded on a desert island- what three things would you want with you? (Not including laptop or family)

A: A never ending food supply, a radio (The radio is only if Desktops count when it specifies no laptop.) and a genius. 

6. Name 3 blessings in your life:

1.  Family
2. The Violin
3. Books

7. What was your nickname in High school? 

A: I was homeschooled so I didn't really have a nickname.  I am very ticklish and my brothers love poking my sides.  They use to call me Floppy Fish because when they poked my sides I completely lost it and fell over laughing.  (The nickname started because I literally flopped out of a chair when my brother poked my sides.)  

8. If you could meet the President of the US, what would you say to him?

A:  I honestly will have to think about this.  I don't know.  

9. If you could be any literary character for a day, who would you be?

A: I don't think I would actually want to be any of my favorite literary characters.  I would love to meet some of them, but I can't imagine living their life. .. not even for a day. 

10. What is your favorite Quote?

A: There are SO MANY to choose from.  But here is one I like A LOT. 

'Every great dream begins with a dreamer. 
Always remember, you have within you the 
Strength, the patience and the passion to 
Reach for the stars to change the world!'
~ Harriet Tubman

And here are the 7 lucky Winners:

Elizabeth Hughes:  Into da' Fiyah

Adrienne McElwain: Daily Deal Watch

Shelly Workinger:  But what are they eating?

Nick Hight: Writing Fire

Michael Collings:  Collings Notes

Creepy Query Girl: Creepy Query Girl


Munir: Focus


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April is over. . . now what?

The A to Z challenge of 2012 is OVER! 
 I'm not sure if I should be jumping up and down singing hallelujah 
or crying in the corner.   

This challenge was just that. . . a Challenge.  But well worth it!  
But. . . I'm not going into detail or saying on more on the matter.  :)  
Trust me, I will talk about it A LOT on May 7th! 

May 7th, you ask?  Yes May 7th we are doing reflection posts!  You write a post about how your A to Z challenge went.  
The UP's, the DOWN's.  . . what you would like to see changed for next year, things we can improve on and how the A to Z challenge has helped/affected you and your blog.  

After you've written your post, you will be able to add the link to a linky list on the A to Z blog so that everyone can see who all is writing about the challenge!