
Monday, March 18, 2013

Pulse ~ Blitz

Title: PULSE
Author: HJ Daly
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Blitz Host: Lady Amber's Tours

Esa is a street girl living in a post apocalyptic world. A world that left her with nothing
except the physical and mental scars that drive her to the person she is becoming.
Whilst searching for shelter, she encounters a creature known as a spinner who pulls her
onto a perilous path. Now with a horde of goblins close on their heels, they must work
together and enter the magical realm in search of answers. Why can she sense magic and
why is a powerful sorcerer determined to end her life?
This is an exciting story of power, friendship and secrets. Secrets that threaten to rip
Esa’s world apart.
Pulse is aimed towards the young adult market. For those seeking adventure and magic
with a futuristic edge. Most fantasy novels tend to hide the magical worlds or show as
historic here I have tried to blend the worlds together.

HJ has always loved books and read at every opportunity. At first reading with her own
children and then at schools in a hope of capturing the hearts and minds of the young.
Writing became a natural progression for her when her children attended full time
education and she had a little free time.
It wasn’t always about writing though, during her teens, HJ stepped up her Latin
American dancing and travelled Europe competing.

“Oh, girlie, you really shouldn’t have said that.” His beady red eyes greedily took in the girl and seeing no real threat he lunged forward. His sword scraped the wall where moments earlier Esa had stood. Pushing from the wall, she twisted to the side and drove her dagger deep into the goblin’s extended arm. A yowl filled the room and he swung his sword blindly in her direction. In one fluid movement she dropped to the floor and kicked her leg out.
Boot hit shin and he fell to the floor grabbing his leg. “No one calls me girlie.” Standing over him she turned the dagger around in her hand, bringing the hilt down on the base of his skull. “Night, night.” Wiping the blood from her blade on her jeans, she turned her attention to Rootu.

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