Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Summer Fun Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

What would you do with a 
$175 Amazon Gift Card?

11 authors have come together
to give you some SUMMER FUN READING
and a $175 AMAZON GIFT CARD!

Click on the image to read a summary of each book :)

GIVEAWAY ends 8/31/14 

No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older and legally able to receive and use an Gift Code. This giveaway is not associated with Rafflecopter, Facebook, Twitter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

This giveaway was organized by I Love to Read and Review Books :) 
and sponsored by the participating authors.
A.L. Sowards
Christy Monson
Ashley Lavering
In This Together Media
J. C. Whyte
Debbie Peterson
Rebecca Belliston
Rebecca H Jamison
Rachelle J. Christensen
Alivia Anderson
Julie Coulter Bellon

Monday, July 28, 2014

Guest Post from Evelyn Ink ~ Author of the Dragon Bone Series

About Book One: 

A door that leads nowhere…
a key to open it.
A map of a land that doesn’t exist,
and a monster that does.

Four sisters; a hypochondriac scientist, a mordant writer, and two feisty twins aspiring to be pirates, set off to retrieve their eldest sister who has been kidnapped into an unknown world.

Their adventure involves a grim prophecy from the oracle Sybil, help from a rugged Viking named Barnabas, and the ever terrifying presence of Brakkus the dark-hooded villain who is in constant pursuit of them. The four sisters must work together to outwit the creature Brakkus, face their fears, and unravel the clues of the ominous prophecy to find their sister before time runs out…

“Follow the river of blood and you will find a coffin of leaves... You will find her in the clutches of two great forces seeking power. They both prowl behind curtains of violence, but one can deliver only evil and the other, possible freedom. The one you seek is in the jaws of the deliverers, but you must hurry, for like meat thrown to dogs she will be ripped apart.”

Guest Post: 

Dear Readers,

My name is Evelyn Ink and I am the sad conveyor of the tales regarding the ill-fated Darlington sisters. I must warn you, nail biting danger and bad behavior leaks from every page of the Sticks, Stones, and Dragon Bones books.

         Despite the redeeming aspects of this adventure (Vikings, pirates, a creepy oracle with bad teeth and a terrible prophecy) the escapades of the sisters are sadly marred by their distasteful conduct and poor choices. Bean, a resourceful and intelligent child of a scientific nature, sadly chooses to run headlong into dangerous situations at every turn. Paige, her older sister; a thoughtful and literary young woman with a rather pessimistic outlook on life, rarely bothers using her understanding of shady characters and bad situation to make cautious and prudent choices. Worst of all are the twins, Hayde and Dorrit, of whom live by their own set of peculiar rules (based loosely on the ideologies of piracy and not taking baths).      

         As a dedicated author I am obligated to record these terrible events from every poorly constructed insult to every illogical decision. However you, as a reader have no such obligation to read them, and I suggest you don’t. I’ve heard there are several fantastic books out about well-behaving gnomes, polite ponies, and tea-sipping princesses, perhaps one of those books might be more suited for you...

Evelyn Ink  

About Evelyn Ink:

The plaque on my lawn reads the Edgington Mansion, it was once thought to be lovely I suppose, though now rather decrepit and quite full of secrets. I live here with my husband. He is a philosopher, and quite mad. Our house is full of books. Stacked, piled, and always advancing out and away from the shelves that ought to keep them in. I paint and draw, write and read, and occasionally go down into the dark, dismal, cobweb-creepy dungeon, to do laundry.

If interested, you may choose to follow me on my blog or check in with me on facebook. However, due to my absolute terror of electronics and a crippling phobia of the social media (technical term: Socmephobia), my blog posts tend to be infrequent and erratic. Also, due to several post exile investigations I am generally prevented from giving any specific information regarding my whereabouts...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Crush by Lacey Weatherford ~ A Book Review + Giveaway

Cami Wimberley has a plan, and that plan includes no room for boys—especially the big time party animal, Hunter Wilder, no matter how handsome and charismatic he is. She’s beautiful, a senior, extremely talented, gets good grades, and is working her way toward her dream college to be a musical theater major. Everything is perfect.

Hunter Wilder does not want a girlfriend—that would complicate his life way too much right now. He especially doesn’t want this girl, Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes, so how come he can’t keep his eyes off her? He tries to keep her at arms length, but fate seems to keep pushing them together. Before long, it’s obvious to everyone they’re crushing on each other. 

As sparks begin to fly, Hunter finds himself sinking deeper and deeper into hot water. Soon he’s scrambling to keep Cami from discovering his dark secret—one that can destroy their entire relationship.

My Review: 

When I downloaded the e-copy (free at the time of posting!) of Crush by Lacey Weatherford I thought I was getting a sweet contemporary high school romance. HA! What I got was SO much better! Action packed, rocking romance, suspenseful to the point my heart could hardly take it! WOW!

I got halfway through the book before I got on Amazon and ordered the entire trilogy in paperback! And despite this, as soon as I finished Crush I paid for the kindle copy of Smitten because I didn't want to wait for the hard copies to arrive!

I've read a lot of books. A lot of good books. But it is a rare treat to find a book/series that eats at me all the time. A story that I just can't get out of my head. That was this book (and the sequels). At work all I could do is wait to get home so I could read more. And when I finished? I still couldn't get the characters and the story out of my mind!

I'm not gonna lie, I had a pretty good guess on what was going on right in the beginning but the suspense and the twist and turns still had me guessing til the very end!

Book Links: 

~ Amazon ~ B&N ~ Goodreads

Author Links: 


The Prize: An e-copy of Smitten, book two in the Crush Series
To enter to win: In the comments, tell me about someone you have/had a crush on.
Be sure to leave your e-mail in the comment as well so I can contact you if you win.

Bonus Entry: Share this giveaway with all your friends! Be sure to leave the link(s) to where you shared in the comments!  

One winner will be randomly selected at end of the giveaway.
Giveaway is open internationally.
Ends on July 26th at Midnight. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Eskimo Princess Book Reviews 4,000 LIKES GIVEAWAY!!

One of my favorite blogger pages - Eskimo Princess Book Reviews - has reached 4,000 likes on Facebook! WHOHOO! Congrats! And so what's the best way to celebrate? A giveaway of course! <3

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Kindle Fire GIVEAWAY!

Enter to win 1 of 2 great prizes both values at $229. Winner’s choice of a Kindle Fire HDX or $229 Amazon Gift Card or $229 Paypal Cash! The first prize is available via the rafflecopter below. The 2nd is available only to bloggers who post about this giveaway. You can find info on how to enter the 2nd giveaway in the rafflecopter. July Kindle  
Win a Kindle Fire HDX, Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash ($229 value)

The winner will have the option of receiving a 7" Kindle Fire HDX (US Only - $229 Value)
  Or $229 Gift Card (International)
  Or $229 in Paypal Cash (International)
  I Am A Reader Feed Your Reader Author Claudia Burgoa Candace's Book Blog Melissa McClone, Author Author Alecia Stone Jennifer Laurens Author Jessabella Reads Townsend House Kelly Walker I Love to Read and Review Books :) A & E Kirk, Author Rachelle J. Christensen Hope To Read Kimber Leigh Writes Author Ednah Walters Author Inger Iversen Goddess Girls: Athena the Proud by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams Grimmtastic Girls: Cinderella Stays Late by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams (tween) YA Author Fabio Bueno Author Danielle Annett Buried Under Romance Barbara Silkstone, Second Act Cafe A Leisure Moment : A Casual Conversation about our love for Literature Donna Feyen - More Than A Review C.M. Brown Lori's Reading Corner Book Reviews And Giveaways Karen Ann Hopkins Amish Fiction Kimber's Life Author Ruchi B. Zharmae Publishing Press Luthando Coeur Biscuit & Books LOVE. WITHOUT YOU Just Jeanae Author - P.M. Richter Charlotte Gerber LeahSay's Views Too-Clever Author Melissa Lemon Laurie Here - Contemporary Fiction and MORE Author A. Wrighton Little Green Eyed Press Mom Loves 2 Read Lynda Raymond Author Elizabeth Parkinson Bellows Author Ann Swann Author Georgina Young-Ellis Sign up to sponsor the next Kindle Giveaway here:   Giveaway Details 1 winner will receive their choice of an all new Kindle Fire 7" HDX (US Only - $229 value), $229 Amazon Gift Card or $229 in Paypal Cash (International). There is a second separate giveaway for bloggers who post this giveaway on their blog. See details in the rafflecopter on how to enter to win the 2nd Kindle Fire HDX 7", $229 Amazon Gift Card or $229 in Paypal Cash. Ends 7/31/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the participating authors & bloggers. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dancing with Black Online Release Party - Happening tonight!

Book title: Dancing with Black
Author: Laura Bingham
Release Date: June 21st
Tour Dates: July 14th - August 14th
Genre: YA contemporary
Publisher: Trifecta Books

Book Synopsis:

Dancing is Cami's escape from her dark home life. It's the only thing that gives her hope - until she meets Adam Black. A talented dancer in his own right, he asks Cami to be his partner, and she gains strength and confidence as he unlocks whole new possibilities for her.

When Cami's abusive mother overdoses and her already-broken family falls to pieces around her, dancing with Adam helps Cami pull through. But he has secrets of his own, and someone wants him found at any price. Cami gets dragged into a web of danger and deceit. Now she must make a choice between familiar darkness and uncertain light.