
Saturday, April 9, 2016

H is for Heart of Orion by Laura Bastian + A GIVEAWAY!

~ About the Book

Holly discovers she can teleport anywhere with only a thought. When Jai is injured, she is forced to take him back to Rommader for neither of them will survive the breaking of their soul bond. Upon arrival, they learn Queen Amira has been kidnapped. 

On a ship traveling across the universe, Amira is forced to develop a formula for an amulet with unlimited traveling power--or her captors will murder her husband. Unwilling to let her enemies have that much power, Amira must devise a plan to escape while pretending to cooperate, but in order to do so, she realizes she must make an amulet. 

Can Holly find a way to save her, or will Amira figure out the formula and make it home on her own without being lost in the cold, dark heart of the universe? 

~ About the Author

Laura grew up in a small town in central Utah and now lives in another small town in northern Utah. She always loved stargazing and imagining life outside her own little world. Though they grew up only thirty miles apart, she didn't meet her husband until they went to college. A graduate of Utah State University with a degree in Elementary and Special Education, Laura has been using that training as she raises her children and writes make believe worlds. You can usually find her on her laptop either typing away, or on social media interacting with friends.

Amazon * Blog * Facebook * 

~ Giveaway ~

The Prize: An e-copy of Heart of Orion by Laura Bastian
To enter to win: LIKE Laura's Facebook page. Then *COMMENT on this post letting us know you've done so! 

*Bonus Entries* 

1. Follow Laura some other way (website, blogs, Amazon ...etc). 
2. Share this giveaway with all of your friends!
3. Add the book to your Amazon Wish List! 

Giveaway ends April 30th at midnight! 

*Be sure to leave your e-mail address so we can contact you if you win!

1 comment:

  1. Liked, added, follow on Amazon and shared on Google + thanks for the chance
