
Saturday, April 23, 2016

T is for Take My Advice by Tristi Pinkston + A GIVEAWAY!

~ About the Book

What if the answers to life aren’t always black and white?

Jill Reed thinks she knows it all, and as the advice columnist for her high school newspaper, she gets to share her wisdom on a weekly basis. She handles questions about everything from dating to choosing the right nail polish, and with the exception of a few bullies, everyone respects her opinion.

But when life throws her some curves she can't handle, she realizes she knows a whole less than she thought she did, and she'll need to ask others for their advice so she can make it through.

Amazon * Goodreads 

~ About the Author

Tristi Pinkston is the author of twenty published books, including the bestsellers "Dearly Departed" and "Dialogue Dynamics." She works as a freelance editor and author mentor, and when she's not writing, editing, or homeschooling her children, she enjoys reading, watching good movies, and taking really long naps. She eats ice, which she realizes is very bad for her teeth but she does it anyway, and she can't write without a tube of Chapstick nearby.

~ Giveaway ~

The Prize: An e-copy (Amazon) of For Love or Money by Paige Timothy
To enter to win: LIKE Trist's Facebook Page. Then *COMMENT on this post letting us know you've done so! 

*Bonus Entries* 

1. Share this giveaway with all of your friends!
2. Add For Take My Advice to your Amazon Wish List! 

Giveaway ends April 30th at midnight! 

*Be sure to leave your e-mail address so we can contact you if you win!


  1. Finding your blog for the first time while out blog hopping from North Carolina during the #Challenge before hurrying on to visit as many blogs as possible on Sunday, our day off. I enjoy finding blogs of other writers to see what they are up to. I don't read YA, but it is a leading genre for sure. If you have interest or time, I have been writing about hotels and inns, the architects and settings. On the letter T day it was about tea at a lovely hotel yesterday. Join me.

  2. I'm suffering from deja vu - I'm sure I saw your blog yesterday :O
    It's still an interesting book :)
    Jemima Pett

  3. Already liked your facebook page. Interesting story. Thanks for the opportunity.
