Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Twelve Books for Christmas: Book Eleven

Twelve Books for Christmas

Karen 13.jpg

Please welcome Karen Hoover, author of The Wolfchild saga and The Misadventures of a teenage boy: Two souls are better than one.  After you have read this most delightful (and quite funny) interview,  read on about the books and how to win a copy or two. . or three. . or four. . or more. . . of The misadventures of a teenage boy: Two Souls are better than one.

Konstanz: Sympathetic villain or power hungry egotist?

Karen: I assume you are asking which I would be myself? If so, I'm definitely the sympathetic villain type. Just look at C'Tan in my Wolfchild Saga! lol

Konstanz: Describe your idea date with Kermit the Frog (The muppets)

Karen: Well, we'd spend an afternoon by the lake picnicking. I'd try not to vomit while he hopped along the shore catching flies. Miss Piggy would be stuck in a boat somewhere in the middle of the lake so she couldn't interfere while Kermit serenaded me.

Konstanz: Whats your greatest inspiration as writer?

Karen: The Great Creator Himself. :) I believe that all creation comes with inspiration from up above and I know I couldn't write the stories I do without it.

Konstanz:  Favorite sentence you've ever written?

Karen: From Book 2 of The Wolfchild Saga, The Armor of Light. And it's a paragraph. I couldn't pick just one sentence, though the last sentence is my very favorite. "The huge gates leading into the jeweled city of the MerCats were magnificent. Kayla had never imagined that lava rock, magelights, and underwater plant life could combine in such a manner as to be more beautiful than King Rojan's throne room. Nature in its most resplendent parade had completely outdone all the gold and satins adorning King Rojan's halls."

Konstanz:  Do you have a critique group who has helped you on your journey to publication?

Karen: I have had several over the years, most of them online, but some in person. I even spent part of a year in Brandon Sanderson's critique group. Talk about an experience!!!

Konstanz: Favorite Christmas present you've ever received?

Karen:  $100 I received as a teenager that I spent entirely on books (which you could get for 2.99 back then.) My mom wasn't too happy I spent it all on books, but I didn't care. It was the first I read Anne McCaffrey and David Eddings. Worth every penny.

The book:

"Jeremy James Johansen has more than his share of problems. His father has disappeared without a trace, he’s just been suspended from school, and he has the ghost of a dead mage sharing his body. His search for answers will take him across the boundaries of reality, and into another world—a world that has invaded his own small town."

Sounds amazing right??  I certainly think so!  
How to win not one, not two, not three, not four, not even five but TEN e-copies! 
1. Be a follower of this blog
2. Follow Karen's blog
2. Comment on this post and tell me whats the best present you've ever been given for Christmas
(Do not forget to leave your e-mail in the comments so that I can contact you if you win)

It's as easy as that.  Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next interview and giveaway! Happy Holidays!
And here is where you can find Karen:
Or join in for a sprint and writing challenges

And now hop along to the participating blogs!

Into da Fiyah


  1. Following you on Google Friends Connect as Celebrate Woman

    discovery4 AT mac DOT com

  2. Following Karen's blog on Google Friends Connect as Celebrate Woman

    discovery4 AT mac DOT com

  3. The best Christmas present as a grown-up for me was a surprise visit from my friend!

    discovery4 at mac dot com

  4. Best present was a really good telescope (a Celestron) when I was 10.

    Happy Holidays & thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC/G+/Twitter: BookAttict
    FB/ NWB: Elizabeth Kotkiewicz Hyatt

  5. I'm your 200th follower! How exciting.

  6. @ Matthew Macnish, Please e-mail me to claim your free e-copy of Darkspell by Elizabeth Mueller, as my 200th follower! nothought2small(at)gmail(dot)com

  7. Follow both as GFC: June M.
    Best gift...Probably gift cards to support my book habit, lol.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
