I try to keep my blog all about writing. Whether it's advertising, books I like, my work, thoughts I have had or my own idea of books. But today I feel like talking about something completely different! Don't ask me why, I don't know. I just feel like maybe it's time I talk about what other things I like.
I would LOVE to get to know each and every one of you personally and honestly, if you sent me an e-mail introducing yourself, I would be glad to reply and talk and become great friends!
So to start everyday this week I will post a fact about myself. Something about me, why it's important and then I would love to read your comments with little facts about yourself!
Fact One:
I LOVE music. I mean, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE music! I play three instruments; Piano, Organ & Violin. My favorite is the Violin and I am going to college for Music. (This may come as a surprise to many because most people assume I will be going to college for Writing)
I have played the Piano since I was ten. I had about 20 Organ lessons and had to quit but I do have an organ. I have been playing the violin for a little over two years now and I excel at it!
After having played for three months, my first performance on the violin was 'While your lips are still red' by Nightwish. (If you haven't heard this song and don't understand what a feat that is, please look it up on Youtube).
The first time I showed my Violin teacher the music for this song (lesson two), He laughed at me. Honestly laughed out loud and said 'Not a chance. Maybe in a year."
After our lesson that day, he grabbed the music off the table and told me to work on the first line.
I came back the next week and after hearing me play, he gave me the next two lines.
At the following lesson he told me to to just play the entire song. (The song is two full pages long).
My second performance was Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera.
My violin teacher plays for the Utah Symphony. . .