Monday, November 19, 2012

Revelation Book Tour

Today is my stop on The Revelation Blog Tour! Read about some great novels, learn about an incredible author and friend and maybe even enter a giveaway! 

Revelation Synopsis:

Some fairytales begin with once upon a time and end with happily ever after. Revelation, book 2 in The Pedalstem Lillies series, is a not that fairytale. Join Blaze once again, as she struggles through the darkness. Her adventure for the truth is deadly as it’s pieced together with schemes, plots and wicked intentions.A violent disagreement finds her out and about, with a man whose presence is forbidden, and is forced to seek shelter.Heat and electricity engulf them as the oncoming storm reveals the secrets. Exhausted and breathless, their plan for revenge awakens with sunrise. The scene is set and the lines are drawn. Purity & Power VS. Menace & Mayhem. Who will be left standing when the magic clears?

CLICK HERE to watch the Revelation Book Trailer. 

Chaos Unleashed Synopsis:

This isn't your mother’s sweet love story and it’s not your sister’s fairytale. Chaos Unleashed is dark, dangerous, and highly addictive. You will share in every experience the hero and heroine have, as their quest for the truth leads them to the hateful dark void that threatens to consume their souls. 
Pedalstem is shrouded in darkness, leaving Castle Deverox in a vortex of confusion. Blaze awakens to find men she doesn’t know looming over, intent on capture, a handsome prisoner sharing her fate, and the gut tightening knowledge that her memories have been stolen.

CLICK HERE to watch the Chaos Unleashed Book trailer. 

 CLICK HERE to add Chaos Unleashed to your Goodreads shelf. 

Author Bio:
Although I have always enjoyed writing, the dream to become a writer came when I read A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, in the sixth grade. My early works, not published, were in the form of children’s stories I would read to my two daughters. I divide my days between the real world and the ones I’ve created. My life and my characters keep me very busy in my Mid-Western scene, where I live with my husband, and my children (both human and furry.

My Links:
Purchase your copies HERE, or HERE

AmBear Shellea
author of The Pedalstem Lillie Series 

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