
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Chainmail is heavy first of all.  To make that suit of armor (above) took roughly 45,000 rings and weighs about 45 pounds (including the pants which are not pictured).  And guess what? It isn't even close to what they used in medieval times.  To make a battle worthy chain-mail suit, the rings were put together and then a rivet was driven through the overlapping ends to insure that the rings could not come open.  That means they had to put 45,000 rivets in every suit.  (And that is just a small suit.) And if they used the king-mail pattern, that means that they doubled each ring.  45,000 x 2 and a rivet was still driven through each ring. 

Impressed yet? Now let me tell you another awesome fact; In the battle in The Lord of the Rings, the orcs would have been crushed and the men would have won easily.  There wouldn't have been a major battle because it would have ended within a few short hours. 
Why?  Because the Orcs wore hardly anything and the men wore chain-mail suits.  Those suits (made the way they are portrayed) would have been unbreakable compared to the Orcs measly weapons. 

*Disclaimer: I have done extensive research on each of these weapons. I am aware that there are many different versions of each of these weapons. I am not trying to spread false information. If you know and can prove any information wrong, please let me know and I will fix my errors.  I have at least three references for all research on the weapons I will discuss through the challenge. 


  1. I had a friend in high school working on making a chain coat by hand.

    1. Yeah it's not easy until you get the hang of it. Then it is super fun and super easy.

  2. I'm impressed. Wonder how they managed on a hot summer day?

    1. Probably not well as of they had to wear layers of clothing and padding beneath the armor as well.

  3. That's a lot of hard work in those suits. I can't imagine having to wear it. I'd never be able to move!

    1. It is a ton of work! I can't imagine having to make one and wear it a lot. I mean, I am making one but not to fighting ready standard.

  4. I knew most of this because we had a module in fashion about clothes and armor in olden times. Thanks for sharing, Konstanz!

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  5. Can you imagine the work that went into making one of these? But is it's your a** on the line, I guess you'd be willing to do it.

    1. Yes, yes I can! Because I am making one. :) Yeah, true. I'm not making it because I actually need armor.

  6. Too heavy. LOL It would be miserable to wear- though the need for it great.

    As far as crushing the orcs I have but one thing to say- supernatural creature hold supernatural powers- strength could be one...LOL
    My A-Z

    1. It is super heavy!

      And touche. So I suppose I should correct that statement. *Assuming the orcs don't have magical super strength, they would have been crushed.

      Better? :)

  7. it was so heavy... sad they didn't have stuff from lord of the rings... though it slowed down the attacker.

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

    1. Right?! Too bad. That would've made thing so much easier.

  8. This is 'just a small suit'...that sure seems to be an understatement to me!
    As far as the king-mail pattern is concerned...I can't bear the load of imagining it!

    [Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge]

    1. LOL it is a small suit! Tehehe. Yeah, the guy who is teaching me to make chainmail, he showed me the king-mail pattern. #Noteasy #Superheavy

  9. I love you choice for C, and I love that you put some research into it. That picture makes me feel heavy just looking at it.

  10. Hi, Konstanz! Warriors probably died often from being too slow in their heavy chainmail than from lack of skill. Too bad they didn't have Mithril! :)

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. Yes, yes they did. Yeah that is too bad. Imagine how much easier things would be. . . :)

  11. You made a chain mail suit!? Wow. If technology goes to the dogs I want your number!
    nice post.

    1. I didn't make this one. However I am in the process of making one. :) Fair enough.

      Thank you!

  12. The fact that you worked in a Lord of the Rings reference makes you Blogger Extraordinaire!!!

    That is so fantastically cool. I'm going to pay attention to the chainmail the next time I watch the Lord of the Rings.

    1. LOL Well thank you! LOTR FTW! :) That makes me happy. I LOVE Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit! :)

      Yes, do! It is so cool!

  13. I own original antique chainmail picked up in England. VERY heavy. We actually carried it onboard the plane in fear it would be stolen. Very interesting post indeed.

    1. Very cool! I am totally jealous, just so you know. :) Yeah, probably a good idea!
      Thank you!
