Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Endless by Jaclyn Weist COVER REVEAL!!

Author Name: Jaclyn Weist
Book Title:  Endless
Book Genre:  YA fantasy
Release Date: November 28th, 2014
Publisher: Trifecta Books
Tour Host: Silverbow Promotions


Sydney lives her nightmares every night. While other teenagers are dreaming of boys or traveling to exotic places, she must run a staircase with no beginning or no end, or a terrible debt will never be paid.

Just before her seventeenth birthday, the dreams change. She is no longer alone.
But her nightmares don’t end when she wakes up. Her stepmother and stepsisters threaten to ruin everything she holds dear. She must protect the secret that both she and her father have magic or they will use it to their advantage.

As Sydney learns to control her magic, what seemed impossible before—escaping her stepmother and those ever-present stairs—is now at her fingertips. When she learns the ultimate plan of her evil captor, Sydney must stop her at all costs, or she will forever lose her soul.

~ About the Author ~ 

Jaclyn is an Idaho farm girl who grew up loving to read. She developed a love for writing as a senior in high school, when her dad jokingly said she was the next Dr. Seuss (not even close but very sweet). She met her husband, Steve at BYU and they have six happy, crazy children that encourage her writing. After owning a bookstore and running away to have adventures in Australia, they settled back down in their home in Utah. Jaclyn now spends her days herding her kids to various activities and trying to remember what she was supposed to do next.

Follow Jaclyn . . .

Monday, October 27, 2014

You're invited to the Violet RELEASE PARTY!

You're invited to an epic party! 

Games . . . 
Giveaways . . . 
and TONS of FUN!

And it's all online  . . . HERE

Don't forget to invite your friends! 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Blog Tour ~ Broken Promises by Jen Wylie

Broken Promise
Book 3 of The Broken Ones
By Jen Wylie
Published:  Oct 7 2014
By Untold Press www.untoldpress.com
Genre: Fantasy 
WC 107k   Pages 284

A year of turmoil takes its toll on Arowyn Mason and her companions. After delivering the Elven prince to his homeland, they decide to ride out the winter in the city of Westport before starting their quest to heal the Fey. Like most things in Aro's life, nothing goes according to plan.
As Kei struggles with the prophecy bound within him, his sanity begins to unravel.  A prophecy and a promise are broken, and forgotten threats resurface with dire consequences. The Dragos is watching and the Were king is displeased with the disregard of Were law. Aro scrambles as yet another threat emerges. The Elves, displeased with their prince, exploit his only weakness…her.
Aro is forced to find a new ally, a cold-hearted, ruthless pirate named Roan. He is more than he seems and Aro must learn who she can trust, or it will cost more than just her life. She has grown stronger, but is it enough to save herself, her family, and the Elf she loves?

Get your copy of Book 1 Broken Aro HERE

Get your copy of Book 2 Broken Prince HERE

Jen Wylie resides in rural Ontario, Canada with her  two boys, Australian shepherd and a disagreeable amount of wildlife. In a cosmic twist of fate she dislikes the snow and cold.
Before settling down to raise a family, she attained a BA from Queens University and worked in retail and sales.
Thanks to her mother she acquired a love of books at an early age and began writing in public school. She constantly has stories floating around in her head, and finds it amazing most people don’t. Jennifer writes various forms of fantasy, both novels and short stories.

Website ~ BlogTwitter: @jen_wylie ~ 

"Rotting Elf." She threw a dagger with extra force. "I love you." She threw another. "Why aren't you here?" And another. "Why–" Her voice cracked and her hand dropped mid-throw. "I need you," she whispered into the empty room.  ~Aro

"Such expressions on your face. What are you thinking?"
His smile was soft, kind…and she didn't trust it for a moment. "Want to make another try at reading my thoughts?"
Sultry lips twisted into a wry grin. "I think not." ~Baelan and Aro

"But he left, and he'd promised he wouldn't." Unable to keep still, she crossed her arms and let her feet wander.
Garen watched her pace for a few moments and then sat, crossing his legs. "Sometimes, we can't always keep our promises."

Friday, October 24, 2014

Free Bread Girl by Shari Bird Blog Tour Sign UPS!

Tour Dates: November 28th - December 11th

Author Name: Shari Bird
Book Title: Free Bread Girl
Book Genre: YA Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: November 28, 2014
Publisher: Trifecta Books
Tour Host: Silverbow Promotions

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Obsidian Threads by Charlie Pulsipher Blog Tour Sign Ups!

Tour Dates: December 1st - 14th

Author Name: Charlie Pulsipher
Book Title: Obsidian Threads (Book 2 of The Lost Shards)
Book Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Publisher: Singular Books
Release Date: Dec. 1st
Tour Host: Silverbow Promotions

Book Blurb/Synopsis: Rho has awakened. Its acolytes will tear worlds apart to release their deity from its prison. Any hope of Rho's defeat lies with two people lost in a strange universe. Kaden and Aren must learn to harness all their unique gifts if they are to rival the god of darkness reborn.

They will not fight alone. A brilliant geneticist, a furry dwaro, two less than friendly elves, dragons, and a spunky red-haired computer stand with them. But if Kaden and Aren fail to reach their full potential, all of reality will be devoured until nothing remains but Rho.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Endless by Jaclyn Weist COVER REVEAL SIGN UPS!

Cover Reveal: Tuesday, October 28th 2014

Author Name: Jaclyn Weist
Book Title:  Endless
Book Genre:  YA fantasy
Release Date: November 28th, 2014
Publisher: Trifecta Books
Tour Host: Silverbow Promotions

Book Synopsis:

Sydney lives her nightmares every night. While other teenagers are dreaming of boys or traveling to exotic places, she must run a staircase with no beginning or no end, or a terrible debt will never be paid.
Just before her seventeenth birthday, the dreams change. She is no longer alone.
But her nightmares don’t end when she wakes up. Her stepmother and stepsisters threaten to ruin everything she holds dear. She must protect the secret that both she and her father have magic or they will use it to their advantage.
As Sydney learns to control her magic, what seemed impossible before—escaping her stepmother and those ever-present stairs—is now at her fingertips. When she learns the ultimate plan of her evil captor, Sydney must stop her at all costs, or she will forever lose her soul.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Six Facebook Hacks

Facebook wants to be paid for everything. Including allowing fans/followers to see what the pages they are following are saying.  The good news is, there are ways to beat Facebook at this game.

Here are just a few . . .

One & Two:

When you Like a page this is what you see. 

But if you click on that little button? 

You get this: 

Right away, there are two options to insure you see what the pages you have opted into following are saying/doing! Hit Get Notifications or if you already get too many of those, simply add the page to your interested lists. 

Three, Four, & Five: 

These three buttons can be your best friends! Facebook determines who sees what by how often they interact with a page. So if you don't interact, the page suddenly disappears from your feed. The simplest way to fix this is simply to Like a post here and there, comment every once in a while, and sometimes, share a post. It's easy, it doesn't take a whole lot of time, and it saves everyone a ton of frustration. 


If you're on the homepage, on the left hand side under the title "Pages" there is a place you can go JUST to see things from pages you have liked. Click on "Pages Feed' and voila! All the posts from all the pages you follow will be in that feed - just like your regular newsfeed only exclusively for pages you follow. 

Simple, free, and pain free! 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall Into Fantasy Giveaway(s)!!!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Ash Krafton for putting together these AMAZING Giveaways!!! 

Enter to win here on my blog or check out the giveaway's on Ash's blog HERE!! 

Rafflecopter: Adult
Adult #1 BookBox: embed book widget, share book list Adult #2 BookBox: embed book widget, share book list Adult #3 BookBox: embed book widget, share book list Rafflecopter: YA
YA/NA #1 BookBox: embed book widget, share book list

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Help me reach 6k Likes on Facebook and be entered to WIN!

Facebook is being evil and keeping me at 5,633 likes. Which really shouldn't be an issue except I've been stuck there for months. I would LOVE it if you could help me reach 6,000 likes by the end of the year. So to spread the word, I'm hosting a giveaway!

What could you win?

*A signed, personalized copy of Only Half Alive
*A signed, personalized copy of Missing Royal
*The very first ARC of The Enchanted Rose 
(and of course it will also be signed and personalized)
PLUS I might just throw some other goodies in there as well. ;)

New Prizes:

So how can you enter to win? Easy! With the rafflecopter below! 

Don't use rafflecopter? No worries! Because below that is a Google Form you can fill out instead. :) 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lizzie Lilac and the Left Socks Release Party & Blog Tour Sign Ups!

In honor of all breast cancer survivors, warriors, and those they've left behind.

A few years ago, K.C. Rose and I got some devastating news: a sweet friend and mother had an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer. Since I had just launched my first novel into the world, I decided to donate all my royalties for a period of months to the family to help them fight this horrible invader. But it wasn’t enough—we knew we could do more. That’s where the concept of the Lizzie Lilac book was born. This book is not only dedicated to our friend (who is now cancer free!!) and her family, but also to all the families who struggle with this disease. K.C. and I make no profit from sharing this story—everything we raise will go to the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah to help them help others. 
Thank you for being part of our fight. 

Book blurb: Poor Lizzie Lilac. When one of her favorite socks goes missing, she is determined to find out where all the missing socks go. What she learns is definitely more than she expected.

Friday, October 3, 2014

My take on all the bullying . . .

If you've been on Facebook lately you've most likely seen quite a bit of bullying going on. Maybe not firsthand but there are plenty of stories going around. A few times now people have asked for my take on it all.

I've tried to avoid it but as it gets worse I can't just push it aside. It can't be ignored. So here it is . . . my take on all of the bullying going on.

Let me start with a story.

About nine years ago I was bullied. Not online but in person. Kids my age hated me. I will never understand why other than I was the new kid, the outsider. Because of their hurtful words, all their jokes, the evil glares, and such I became an over achiever. This didn't help my case because all of the sudden, the adults all loved me.

Things got bad. I was sick of everything in life. I was tired of not having any friends, always being an outsider despite trying so hard to fit in.

In 2007 things changed. At this point I had two real friends. One of which invited me to attend a writer's group for girls my age; taught by her mother along with a few other women. Originally I declined but in the end, I went and that is when I discovered writing.

Writing became my escape. It didn't matter that I had no real friends because I found friends with my characters. I could write for hours on end and often, I did just that. And a couple of years later I attended my first writers conference.

I was out of my element, terrified, alone at a whole conference, and I ran into Shanna - one of the women who taught me to write. She asked how many authors I had spoken to so far. The look on her face when I admitted I hadn't spoken to anyone is unforgettable. She got in my face, looked me dead in the eye, and said "Konstanz, you get out there and you introduce yourself to people. Get your name out there. Talk to people!"

Terrified at the task she gave me, I went to another class. Afterwards I meekly approached the front of the room, introduced myself to the authors who gave the class, and now eight years later I'm still doing that.

Writing saved me in a way nothing else could. Where I was bullied by people my own age, I found friends at this conference filled with people just like me. I knew I found a group of people I could call my friends for life.

One thing I learned above everything else is authors stick up for each other. We help each other. We are there for each other. There is no competition amongst authors because readers will always want more books. Well, it was that way.

Now I can't say the same thing. Yes, readers want more books. So why in the world have we turned it into a competition? Why are authors fighting each other like cats and dogs? What happened to the kindness?

*Paul Genesse taught a panel at one of my first conferences that I will never forget. He talked about how authors help each other. And if you have a published author, he is going to help the author below him - the author getting ready to submit his manuscript to publishers. And the author submitting to publishers is going to in turn, help the author below him, the one still in the editing phase. And the author in the editing phase is going to help the author below him. And it will keep going so that no matter where you are in your writing career there will always be someone to help you.

*This is not word for word. I do not recall Paul's exact words but it was the same idea, the same principle. 

So what happened to that? When I feel like I can't go to a fellow author for help there is something seriously wrong with the author and book world.

The bullying (in every form) needs to stop.

I recently read a blog post calling out a well known author for bullying. Knowing that author personally, I have a hard time believing that the blogger tells the full story. And how often is this happening? How often are authors outed as bullies because people refuse to get all the facts?

I am not saying that authors do not bully. Simply that we should know all the facts before judging, before refusing to buy their work or talk to them. Every one has a story. As someone in the writing community, authors, readers, bloggers, should understand that more than anyone.

Let's quit the accusing game, the blaming game, the "everyone attack this person for saying something we didn't like" game. And let's get back to the supporting each other.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

New Release ~ Waltzing on Wheels by Raine Gillespie!!

Meredith Aaron lost all hope for love after a car accident put her in a wheelchair. Who would want her, broken as she is? After her brother tells her to save a dance for him at his wedding, she decides to somehow learn how to dance on the only legs she has left—her wheels.

~ Amazon ~ Nook

Get Love Notes Book one: Hearts in Harmony: Amazon ~ Nook

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

You're invited . . .

You're invited to celebrate the release of Haley Hatch Freeman's newest book, From Head to Tummy, The Simple Truth about Food, Media Messages, Self-worth, and Real Beauty. 

When: October 11th at 7pm (MST)

There will be games, trivia, and giveaways!!! 

Speaking of giveaways . . . we are looking for donations to the party. You can CLICK HERE to find out more.