Thursday, March 31, 2016

Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2016 - My Theme!

Blogging from A to Z .... what a fun challenge! And this year I've got a fun theme to go along with it. Books! Yep, starting tomorrow (April 1st, and no, this isn't a joke) I'll be blogging about more than twenty-six books, of course following the schedule. ;) 

And it gets better! There will be a giveaway to go along with almost every single post! YAY! 

You can RSVP the Facebook event HERE so you don't miss a single thing too! Voila! Super easy! 


  1. Seems super interesting. Can't wait.

  2. Dropping by via the A-Z Challenge. That's quite a task you've set yourself and I'm looking forward to seeing what you review. It's always good to find out about new books to read.

    Imagine Me At Clarion
