Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Twelve Books for Christmas: Book Nine

Twelve Books for Christmas


Please welcome Lynn Leite, author of Once in a blue moon.  After reading this wonderful interview,  read a little bit about the book and how you can win a copy! 

Konstanz:  What's your favorite version of Cinderella? 

Lynn: My favorite Cinderella . that's a hard one there have been so many. I think the Disney live action remake with Brandi as Cinderella. I loved the multicultural aspect.

Konstanz:  If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?

Lynn: If I could be anyone else for a day I think I would pass. It took me most of my life to finally like who and what I am why mess with that? 

Konstanz: Which do you like more: The Hunger Games or Percy Jackson?

Lynn: Hunger Games it was completely original the characters imperfect and I couldn't put it down. Pure genius.

Konstanz:  Whats your writing bucket list?

Lynn: My bucket list. I would like to be able to stay home and write, that would be nice. I'd love to have a best seller who wouldn't. I would have said opera but since she retired that dream has faded

Konstanz:  What are your thoughts on putting religion in fiction novels?

Lynn: Religion in fiction NO. sure its fine to give a character a religious preference. she was Wicca or he was a devout catholic man, but don't cram your beliefs down the readers throat.

Konstanz:  Instrumental Christmas music of music with lyrics?

Lynn: Both, instrumental if I need to think. Like when I'm writing or paying bills. Music with lyrics for pure enjoyment, I like to sing along.

The book: 
blue moon cover.JPG

 Kelsey Matthews was told at age thirteen that her true love would find her. Her soul was bound to his through time. Now an adult she is beginning to question her faith in the carnival psychic's prediction. Her fear that the future might not be as clear as she had been once told is calmed when a more reputable psychic tells her he is coming and she will know in an instant that it is him. Then on one fateful trip cross town on the subway proves the psychics were right. She sees him. She knows it's him. The only problem is that her train is pulling away from the platform he is standing on. Now Kelsey roams the city every chance she gets looking for a man she doesn't even know.

Now I know that you really want a copy!  And I am going to give you one. . .no wait. . . actually I am going to give two copies away! 

How to win:
Be a follower of this blog
Follow Lynn
Leave a comment on this blog telling me, Instrumental Christmas music or Christmas music with lyrics?  Which do you prefer, and why?
(Don't forget to leave your e-mail in the comments.  This contest ends on the 23rd and the winners will be announced on the 23rd at midnight)

Here is where you can find Lynn: 

And now hop along to the participating blogs! 


  1. I prefer Christmas music with lyrics. I particularly love the new ones that come out every year with the new popular stars that do their versions of the classics. We buy a couple of new CD's of Christmas music every year =)

    I found Lynn on Goodreads and on Twitter and have followed her both places there. Would love to read her book!! It sounds just awesome!
    Thank you for the giveaway chance

    Happy Holidays!

    Gena Robertson

  2. I need lyrics with my music. When I choose which songs to listen to, it is the words that speak to me. If I like the message the song portraits, then I like the song. My favorite Christmas song is Let there be Peace on Earth. Somehow, I don't think it would be the same without the lyrics. Happy Holidays :D brendem7@comcast.net

  3. I forgot to add that I am a follower of your blog and I follow Lynn on Goodreads.

  4. Following you on Google Friends Connect as Celebrate Woman

    discovery4 AT mac DOT com

  5. I love both instrumental and lyrics. I have favorites on both sides!

    discovery4 at mac dot com

  6. I have my favorites with and without lyrics.

    Happy Holidays & thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC/G+/Twitter: BookAttict
    FB/ NWB: Elizabeth Kotkiewicz Hyatt

  7. I like both music with lyrics and instrumentals. When I am reading, I can't listen to music with lyrics though, they distract me.
    GFC follower: June M.
    Amazon/fb: June Manning
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
