Friday, March 1, 2013

. . .I am an author with a goal, and I am going to finish.

I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever thought I would be this kinda writer! Ever! I had no idea that I could it, that this is how my book would be written. But is has happened.  I wrote the opening chapter of my new WIP.  And an hour later I wrote the last chapter.  And guess what? Now I have to write the chapters in-between.  But seriously  I didn't know that I would be good with writing random chapters and then piecing them together once the book is completely written!

I mean, I always thought it was crazy that authors do that.  Write a chapter here or there and then piece them together.  Get stuck on one chapter so they jump ahead and back and all around until the don't have that block anymore.

But I did it.  The beginning and the end of my book are written.  And now I am working on the middle and it is all okay because I know exactly where each chapter leads.  And this baffles me. But I know why I can do it. I know why it works for this book where it didn't work for some of my other books.

Because I have been planning this book for seven years. For seven years these characters have whispered there stories to me. Begged me to write their story down.  Pleaded with me that I share their story with the world.  For seven years I have gone to bed dreaming of these characters, kept awake by these characters.

I have taken notes, played out scenes in my head. Even started the book a few times.  I know these characters like I know myself. I know their story as well as I know my own past.

I have lived with these characters for almost eight years now.  And so I know how everything happens and in what order it happens and what causes it to happen. I know who they are fighting against, I know what they are fighting for. I know each characters fears, and hopes, and dreams, and wants, and needs.

And honestly, I couldn't be happier that I am finally getting to write their story down.  The even better part? This book will be done on June first.  And once I have written it, it will go to my beta readers, it will be edited, revised, polished, and submitted to publishers THIS YEAR!!!!

That is the goal anyway. Goals, yes let's talk goals for a second.  Why can I say with confidence that my book will be done by June 1st? Because when I give myself a deadline, I am more likely to actually finish.  And rather than just set a goal and try my hardest to stick to it, I made myself accountable to others with this goal.  I must keep up with my goal or thirty+ people will be on top of it, commanding I get back on it.

This group is named The 100 Project.  The day I started this group with the wonderful C Michelle Jefferies was February 20th, exactly 100 days from June 1st.  Do you have a goal to finish by June 1st or even before then? Join The 100 Project HERE!!

Anyway, back to the point: I am one of THOSE authors. One of the crazy authors who can write out of order.  But most importantly, I am an author with a goal. And I am going to finish.


  1. Ahhhh! I REALLY don't think I could do that. Seriously. Not only does my mind not work that way, I'm a bit OCD about doing things from start to finish.

    Good luck on your goal! You can do it!!!

    1. LOL no joke, I just didn't realize I could do it. I have always been blown away by authors who write random chapters and then put them all together once they're all written. But I did it and I LOVE it!

      Thank you, thank you!! I will for sure make my goal!

  2. That's awesome! Whatever works, do it!

    1. Thanks, Karen!! I am so excited to get this book written! And I really can't wait until it gets published.

  3. Crazy, but fun, isn't it? That's how I've been working on my book, and it's about how long I've been living with my characters. Glad to know this method works for someone else. I need accountability, too. Maybe when I can keep my mom out of the hospital and stop having one cold after another after another, I'll get some. :)

    Jan at Website
    Beyond Acadia
    Swamp Lily Review

    1. It is fun! And the part I love the most is finally piecing it all together once it has been written! I love it!

      Crazy fun! And totally feel free to join the group on Facebook! Authors support Author's right?!?! :D

      Hope your mom gets better! Sending hugs and prayers your way.

    2. Thank you! I will check out the group, and, yes, helping is where it's at.

  4. Big Smiles! This is so exciting!!! In the past few years, I've done things with my writing I thought I would NEVER do. It's so great to grow and learn and experiment and see what you're capable of. :)

    1. Thank you!!! It is so incredible how much you realize you've learned in such a small span of time. And what great things can be accomplished with that knowledge.
