Thursday, May 28, 2015

Phantom 2.0 by Leah D.W

Author name: Leah D.W.
Title: Phantom 2.0
Genre: cyberpunk / YA paranormal

“I am a phantom. Barely human with the duty to get rid of the possessed. That is why beings like me were created, why we were bred”

In a dying city filled with a deadly plague and even deadlier creatures, Déjà hides from a past drenched in blood and the only family she has ever known. She hates what she is and her cravings to spill fresh blood drives her away from anyone that gets too close. Living out her life wearing lace corsets and working in an underground nightclub keeps her secret from hurting others, until a bounty is placed on her head by a mystery benefactor.
Now she is stalked by an assassin that threatens to steal her heart and discovering a family of powerful beings that hold the key to her past, Déjà has no choice but to embrace what she truly is in order to battle the secrets that the city holds within its shadows.


~ Goodreads ~ Amazon

About the Author 

Leah D.W. lives in South Africa with her family and two beloved dogs. She was first published at the age of 21 and has several short stories in anthologies and two poems published. She also has three novels published with Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. A proud bookworm and chocoholic, Leah is also pursuing a career in editing and loves to study Greek Mythology. When she isn't writing like a mad woman high on coffee, she spends time with her friends usually drifting through bookstores and watching movies.

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